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Daily Habit Journal

Easily keep track of your habits and goals with the official Leveling Up Journal! Complete with inspirational quotes and a special introduction by Eric Siu, you can keep a daily journaling habit in just five minutes or less. For a limited time only, click +ADD to get the journal for just $19!

Special One Time Offer:

Video Companion Course

The perfect companion to the Leveling Up book! Join Eric Siu in this 14-part video series as he guides you through the major concepts in the book. Discover how to develop a clear life vision, build healthy habits, start a business from scratch, and more. For a limited time only, click +ADD to get the full video course for just $37!

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Audiobook Pre-Order

Be the first to listen to the Leveling Up Audiobook! Read by Eric Siu, you can download the audiobook to listen on any device as soon as it’s released. For a limited time only, click +ADD to get the audiobook for a discounted price of just $19!
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What's in the Journal?

Why the Leveling Up Journal can change your life...


Change doesn’t happen all at once. Change is a daily commitment, an ongoing promise you keep with yourself.

That’s the problem with most self help books and personal improvement programs. They all fizzle out after a few months. You read them, maybe do a few exercises, and that’s it. But real change is a constant mission to progress from one level to the next. 

It's about getting 1% better every day.

The Leveling Up Journal is designed to be your companion through your long journey. Think of it as a constant guide toward your bigger mission. This journal will keep you on the right track.

This one daily ritual will make your dreams a reality. It’s designed to make powerful changes in your life — all while being simple and enjoyable to use. 

By clearly defining your progress day after day and tapping into your gratitude, you can make things happen like never before.

It’s the difference between wanting to change your life and actually changing it.

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